Community Dining is on!

Come for dinner! YOU and your family are invited to come for a scrumptious and hearty dinner in the Papsda dining room! Please spread the word and invite a friend or two. Come along at 6:00pm to Papsda (16 Puhinui Road) every Thursday night. Will see you there!

You can also come and be part of this special ministry every Thursday night from 6:00-7:30pm. We connect with our neighbours and serve God together. We currently need more helpers to get involved. Would you be interested to join the roster and serve once a month? Please contact Beatrice if so.


 The Good Papsda Samaritans (15 September 2018) Karl Saifoloi

 The First Marae Night (29 July 2018) Karl Saifoloi

 A Life-Changing Partnership (30 June 2018) Karyn Newson

 Winter is Coming (14 April 2018) Karl Saifoloi